100 Artists Needed

100 Artists Needed

By Richard Coffin

A community-driven art exhibit is looking for 100 artists to help celebrate North Bay’s centennial.  

100 Years, 100 Perspectives is being presented by the WKP Kennedy Gallery and Capitol Centre.  

Artists of all ages and skill levels are being invited to create 12×12-inch artworks that capture the essence of the city, including its landscapes, landmarks, people and culture.  

“We’re grateful to the City of North Bay Centennial Event Hosting Fund which will allow us to feature a variety of local artists showcasing North Bay’s diverse history in such a creative and impactful way,” says Katina Connolly, Executive Director of the Capitol Centre. “This is also a great opportunity for the community to take home a piece of the 100th celebration, and support local artists in the process, as most artworks will be available for purchase.” 

The gallery is providing free square-foot canvases to all participating artists with the registration deadline March 1.  

Any medium is being accepted including painting, drawing, digital art, collage, photography, fibre arts, and mixed media. 

An opening reception will be held May 27, with the exhibition running until the end of July.  

For more details or to register, contact wkp@capitolcentre.org or the Capitol Centre’s website

The post 100 artists needed for Centennial art exhibit appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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