30-month high for national unemployment continues but more jobs created in Ontario

30-month high for national unemployment continues but more jobs created in Ontario

Stats Canada says the country's unemployment rate held firm at a 30-month high of 6.4 % in July. The agency also says 2,800 jobs were lost nationally last month.  

However, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, Ontario’s Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Minister says a different picture is being painted for the province.  He says Ontario added more than 22,000 jobs last month.

“Employment in Ontario has increased for the seventh consecutive month," Fedeli says.  "Our government remains laser-focused on rebuilding our economy, attracting investment, keeping costs down for families across Ontario and connecting workers to better jobs and bigger paycheques."

However, Stats Canada reports unemployment in Ontario is higher than the national figure, at 6.7% in July.

That's down 0.3 percentage points, offsetting a similar increase in June.

 The post 30-month high for national unemployment continues but more jobs created in Ontario appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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