Annual Minweyaang Round Dance!

Saturday, March 1, 2025
Nibisiing Secondary School – 469 Couchie Memorial Drive, North Bay Ontario
- A traditional Indigenous cultural event involving a social dance with elements of ceremony. It is a healing event for the community held during the winter months. A Round Dance is for everyone in the community: children, youth, adults, elders, friends and family. Everyone is welcome to experience the healing and cultural traditional ceremonies and teachings.
- Pipe Ceremony & Feast: 4:00 p.m.
- Round dance 6:00 p.m.
- Stickman: Brennan Govender
- Emcee: Darren McGregor
- Female Elder: TBA
- Pipe Conductor: John Matthews
- Invited Singers: Gerry McComb, Darren Nakogee, McKenzie Ottereyes Eagle, Cody McKenzie-Sackney, Junior Gordon Hookimaw, TBA
Singer Registration closes at 8:00 p.m. All registered singers will receive a honorarium. Bring you water bottles and feast bundles/kits. Guests are invite to bring a pork-free feast offering.
This is an alcohol/drug free event and open to everyone.
This event is sponsored in partnership by:
Bell Let’s Talk , North Bay Regional Health Centre Minowacihewin Regional Service for Indigenous Peoples, North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation, Nipissing First Nation, North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, Nipissing University Enji Giigdoyang Office of Indigenous Initiatives, CTS Canadian Career College, Nibisiing Secondary School, North Bay Metis Council

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