Arena Project gets Green Light with Unknown Price Tag at Omischl

Arena Project gets Green Light with Unknown Price Tag at Omischl
Special Meeting of Council 

The Vote wasn't close with Mayor Chirico and 8 councilors voting in favour. There was 1 councilor absent and 1 voted against the motion to approve. The motion is to go with a Progressive Design Build (PDB) which is essence is picking a builder/design team and the total cost is unknown.

The biggest 'cons" on PDB is the owner (City) selecting the design-builder without seeing full project price and the process requiring significant owner involvement.

The overall consensus is the 52 million limit and timeframe will be challenging to say the least. One comment was a 62.4 plus million price may not be out of the question.

It is best and fairest way to categorize the total cost as "Unknown" and won't be known until the process begins.

You may ask what a PDB method means. Googling it will give some answers but in essence you are selecting a builder/design team and the total cost isn't known until you are part way through the building process.

There are pros and cons to this process (and any process for that matter). As more details become known we will post updates.

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