At least one area board says there’s an increased need for recruiting education staff

At least one area board says there’s an increased need for recruiting education staff

There’s no shortage of jobs in education available locally.   

A quick glance at area school board websites shows dozens of job openings for teachers, education and support staff.  

We reached out to all four local boards to see if there is an urgent need for educators and given the number of posted positions, if that’s having an impact on the classroom.  

So far, only the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board (NPSC) has responded.  

The board says it places a high priority on the recruitment of education staff, saying they represent the heartbeat of the Catholic Education system.  “Over the past several years, we have been actively recruiting educational staff, inclusive of both permanent and occasional teachers, and as a result, have welcomed many new staff to our Board,” reads a statement from the board.  “There is an increased need for the recruitment of education staff locally, particularly in specialized areas such as French-as-a-second language and Indigenous language, a trend that is occurring both provincially and nationally.” 

Officials say there’s a variety of factors involved.  

They say the number of retirements, temporary absences, being a Northern board, the number of occasional education staff, and increased enrolment impact the number of positions available at any given time in the school year.   

“NPSC continues to plan strategically and collaboratively throughout the recruitment process to ensure continuity of learning for our students in our schools,” says the board.  

They invite all interested and qualified education staff candidates to apply on their website

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