Bell Tower Restoration Holy Name of Jesus Church

Bell Tower Restoration Holy Name of Jesus Church

Last Chance to win $25,000 in Bell Tower Lottery Draw takes place March 31 in support of the restoration of the Bell Tower at Holy Name of Jesus Church. A major fundraising initiative to raise money to restore the Bell Tower at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Memorial Drive is about to draw for its main prize of $25,000.

The draw takes place on Easter Sunday March 31. The church is selling raffle tickets to offset the $300,000 restoration work to begin in April. While not part of the original design of the church, the Bell Tower was added to the building as part of an expansion in the early 1980s. Since then, water damage has made extensive repairs necessary.

“A bell tower on a church is used to sound the bell when something important is happening,” explained parish priest Fr. Daniele Muscolino, “the bell rings when it’s time to worship, when a celebration like a wedding takes place, and a solemn moment when we bid farewell to a loved one.”

Tickets are $20 each and are available at Holy Name of Jesus Church (895 Memorial Drive) or by calling 705-495-1501.

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