Bridge Anyone

The City of North Bay, Tourism North Bay and the North Bay Duplicate Bridge Club welcome you to the Gateway to the North Sectional on April 11, 12 and 13
Gateway to the North Sectional April 11th, 12th and 13th, 2025 Sam Jacks Complex West Ferris Arena 42 Gertrude Street East
Local director in charge, master points will be awarded 80% Silver and 20% Black.
REGISTRATION DESK CLOSES 15 MINUTES BEFORE EACH GAME! Stratification of all events determined by pair or team average.
Friday April 11th
1:00 & 7:00 pm Stratified Open – A: 1500+; B: 500-1500; C: 0-500 Stratified 0 - 299er Pairs if numbers warrant
Saturday April 12th
10:30 am & 3 pm Stratified Open – A: 1500+; B: 500-1500; C: 0-500 Stratified 0 - 299er Pairs if numbers warrant Brown Bag Lunch available Pairs Games - $15 / person / session
Sunday April 13th
10:00 am Stratified Swiss Teams 2 Session Play Through Based on Average Master Points A: 1500+, B: 500-1500, C: 0-500 Stratified 299er Swiss Teams – Two Single Sessions (Based on team average master points if numbers warrant) A: 150-300 B: 75-150 C: 0-75 $160.00 per team / Lunch Included
This is a zero-tolerance tournament. Play fair and have fun!
Tournament Chair: Jan Wood –
Tournament Co Chair: Andy Aitchison -
Partnership Chair - Elaine Fudge -
North Bay Duplicate Bridge Club: 705 476 2345 – or –
Unlimited coffee and snacks available throughout the weekend!
We hope that you will take the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of North Bay, Lake Nipissing and the surrounding areas during your stay.