Canadore College's TEDx a Huge Success

Canadore College's TEDx a Huge Success

The lineup of speakers for the 2023 TEDx event was nothing short of extraordinary. Steve Kenzie, -Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network UK, Joan Kelley Walker - entrepreneur, philanthropist, and media personality and Craig McLellan - Founder and CEO of ThinkOn Inc.

Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology proudly announces the successful conclusion of its second annual TEDx event. Under the theme "Futurity: Embracing the Power of Tomorrow," this year's TEDx event brought together a captivating array of speakers, each offering unique perspectives on pressing global issues and innovative solutions for the future.

Building upon the success of the inaugural event, this year's TEDx at Canadore College once again served as a platform for visionaries and thought leaders to share their insights and expertise. From corporate sustainability to technology innovation, the event explored a diverse range of topics, sparking meaningful conversations and inspiring attendees to envision a brighter future.

Steve Kenzie, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network UK, took the stage to share his extensive experience in advancing corporate sustainability and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. His impassioned talk resonated deeply with the audience, emphasizing the importance of collective action in addressing global challenges.

Joan Kelley Walker  an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and media personality captured hearts with her inspiring stories of humanitarian efforts and social responsibility. From her work with World Vision to her dedication to improving lives through charitable initiatives, Joan's unwavering commitment to making a positive difference left a lasting impression on all who attended.

Craig McLellan, Founder and CEO of ThinkOn, Inc., rounded out the lineup with his visionary leadership in technology innovation and data security. As a trailblazer in the realms of cloud services and cybersecurity, Craig shared invaluable insights into the future of technology and its potential to transform industries and societies alike.

The success of TEDx at Canadore College would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the oragnizing team and volunteers. Their dedication, passion, and attention to detail ensured that TEDx exceeded expectations and left a lasting impact on the community.

Special thanks are also due to Rik Sokolowicz and his entire production crew, whose expertise and creativity elevated the event to new heights. From captivating visuals to flawless execution, their contributions were invaluable in creating an unforgettable experience for attendees.

Canadore College is actively seeking sponsorship from various sources and welcome any in-kind contributions or donations to support this cause. For more information about sponsorship opportunities or to get involved in future TEDx events, please contact

For those who missed the event or wish to relive the inspiring talks, the TEDx talks are now available on the TEDx platforms and YouTube.

To watch the talks, visit:

  1. Creating the Future We Want | Steve Kenzie | TEDxCanadoreCollege (
  2. Embracing The Fullness of Life’s Journey | Joan Kelley Walker | TEDxCanadoreCollege (
  3. Mastering your Digital Destiny: The Power of Data Sovereignty | Craig McLellan | TEDxCanadoreCollege (

Looking ahead, plans are already underway for the 2024 edition of TEDx at Canadore College. Building on the momentum of the past two events, organizers are committed to delivering an even more impactful and inspiring experience for attendees. Stay tuned for updates and announcements as preparations for TEDx 2024 take shape.

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