Chamber Speaker Event - 22 Wing Base Commander

Chamber Speaker Event - 22 Wing Base Commander

By Richard Coffin

The State of 22 Wing North Bay and the NORAD Mission Here at Home is the focus of the next Chamber breakfast speaker’s event.  

It’s taking place Thursday, Jan. 30 at The Grande Event Centre.  

The North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce says Colonel Joseph Oldford, 22 Wing Base Commander and the Canadian Air Defence Sector will provide several key updates.  


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They include modernization and capability innovations at 22 Wing, challenges in the defence of North America and opportunities for local businesses to strengthen partnerships with 22 Wing North Bay.  

Tickets are available on the events page of Chamber’s website

Previous speaker sessions included North Bay Mayor Peter Chirico, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli and Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota.

Host Jennifer Tocheri

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