Chippewa’s Terry Fox Run raises over $12,000

Chippewa’s Terry Fox Run raises over $12,000

(Photo supplied by Chippewa Secondary School)

Officials at Chippewa Secondary School say their 20th annual Terry Fox Run was a 'grand success'.

Over $12,000 was raised for cancer research on Thursday.  

Top fundraising class was Madame Hebert's 8-I class and top fundraiser was Molly MacDonald who raised $615 for the run.

A pep rally started the day with teachers being pied in the face, and having beards and heads shaved after fundraising challenges were met. 

That was followed by the run and a fundraising barbecue.  

(Photo supplied by Chippewa Secondary School)

(Photo supplied by Chippewa Secondary School)

(Photo supplied by Chippewa Secondary School)

(Photo supplied by Chippewa Secondary School)

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