City Budget will start January 8th, 2024 - voted on March 18, 2024

City Budget will start January 8th, 2024 - voted on March 18, 2024
Budget suggestions can be sent by email to: by January 12th

The City’s annual budget public process will begin on or about January 8th, 2024 and be up for a final vote on March 18, 2024. The process includes the completion and approval of the following: Water and Wastewater Operating Budget · Water and Wastewater Rates · User Fees · General Operating Budget · 10-Year Capital Budget for General Capital and Water/Wastewater Capital · Municipal portion of Service Partner Budgets To facilitate the completion of the 2024 Budget Process,

2024 Budget Process proposed dates:

January 8th to 10th Special Committee Meetings – 2024 Water & Wastewater Operating Budget and Water/Wastewater Rates

January 15th Special Committee Meeting – 2023 Water and Wastewater Rates Public Meeting and User Fee Public Meeting

January 30th Regular Council Meeting – Council to approve the following: 2024 Water & Wastewater Operating Budget; 2024 Water & Wastewater Rates; and User Fees

February 26th, 28th & 29th Special Committee Meetings – 2024 Operating Budget and 2024 Capital Budget

March 4th & 5th Special Committee Meetings – 2024 Operating Budget and 2024 Capital Budget

March 18th, 2024 Special Council Meeting – Council to approve the following: 2024 Operating Budget; and 2024 Capital Budget Public Consultation Suggestions will be received electronically until January 12th.

Budget suggestions can be sent by email to:

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