City continues removing snowbanks

City continues removing snowbanks
City continues removing snowbanks

By Richard Coffin
Snowbank removal operations are continuing in North Bay. 

The city says crews have completed overnight operations this week on several key roadways, including sections of Main Street, Lakeshore Drive, Oak, McIntyre and Worthington streets.  

Next week, crews will be on Fisher Street (from Oak Street to the Bypass), Cassells Street (from Oak Street to the Bypass), Olive Street (from High Street to Cassells Street), Ferguson Street (from McIntyre Street to Chippewa Street) and Algonquin Avenue (from Worthington Street to Main Street).  

“These operations are weather dependent,” reads a statement from the city.  “If we receive significant snowfall, our crews may need to shift their focus back to plowing to keep roads safe and passable.”  

Officials say updates will continue to be provided as snow removal operations progress. 

The post City continues removing snowbanks from area streets appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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