City Operating & Capital Budget to start February 26th

City Operating & Capital Budget to start  February 26th

The budget process timeline of passing a budget for the new fiscal year starting January 1st, 2024 has been set, with the date of March 18th, 2024 penciled in. North Bay City Council can choose to extend this if they believe more deliberations are needed.

The operating and capital budget deliberations will begin February 26th with dates of February 28, 29th, March 4 & 6th currently. The City will set up a dedicated website for the citizens to follow along.

City staff have yet to present preliminary budgets and staff reports to Council or the public which usually is the unofficial start of the budget process. In the past, City Staff presents a status quo budget to council, meaning how much more is needed to provide the same services from the previous year. That is the starting point of each year’s budget.

At this time, it appears that the long-waited Operation Review which is being toted to find savings and efficiencies will not to be presented to Council until sometime in March. Report North Bay does not have a date of when this will be presented to Council. It looks likely, any possible savings or recommendations won't make its way into 2024 budget discussions unless council members ask for more time to look at the operational review recommendations before passing the 2024 budget.


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