Corinne Rose Sullivan (Rousseau)

Corinne Rose Sullivan (Rousseau)

It is with great love and great sorrow we announce the passing of a wonderful Mother, Corinne Rose Sullivan (Rousseau). Corinne passed on Saturday June 29th, after spending a day surrounded by family. Corinne is predeceased by her mother (Birdie Rousseau (nee Bradley), whom she will be laid to rest beside, to spend the remainder of forever in her mother's embrace. As well as her father (Wilfred Rousseau), and brothers (Daniel Rousseau) (Steven Rousseau). Corinne is survived by her four children Tyler Rousseau (Natasha Amy), Kendel Sullivan, Cody Sullivan, and Tayler Sullivan.

As well as her four grandchildren Jason, Kyra, Eris-Morn, and Emilia. Corinne throughout her life was often referred to as the “neighborhood mother” as she always expressed the same love and care for those close to her, as if they were one of her own children. She will always be remembered for the great capacity for love and kindness she embodied. As well as her baking skills.


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