Coronation Medals Awarded to area Residents

Coronation Medals Awarded to area Residents

By Richard Coffin

Another dozen area residents are being honoured with King Charles III Coronation Medals.

A ceremony took place Thursday with MP Anthony Rota presenting the medals.  

“Volunteers and people who give more than you can imagine really make a difference in our community,” he says. “I know how much effort has gone in over the years.  It’s selfless and it’s not something they expect anything back so it was nice to honour them.”  

Recipients (full biographies below) include:  

  • Brian Bellefeuille 
  • Bonnie Leonard 
  • Colin Vezina 
  • Garth Goodhew 
  • Barbara Gavan 
  • Peter Gavan 
  • Al McDonald 
  • Hariett Madigan 
  • Mathilde Bazinet 
  • Clarke Heipel 
  • Mark Cameron 
  • Ted Thomson 

“It’s pretty special and I want to thank Anthony Rota, our long-standing Member of Parliament for the nomination,” says McDonald, former Mayor of North Bay and MPP of Nipissing. “We’re all proud to be Canadian especially with what’s happening in the world today.  I just encourage everybody to keep supporting Canada, support local businesses and support all Canadian businesses.”  

The federal government says the medal is awarded to Canadians who have made a significant contribution to the country, a particular province, territory, region or community in Canada, or have made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada.

Last month, Cystic Fibrosis Canada announced two volunteers with the North Bay Chapter are being honoured with coronation medals in the spring.  

 Full biographies of Thursday’s medal recipients:

Brian Bellefeuille: Brian served in the army infantry and was deployed to Afghanistan. After his tour, he became a police office with the Sudbury police for 5 years before rebadging over to the OPP, where he has been for 15 years for a total of 23 years public service.

Bonnie Leonard: Bonnie is the local representative for Quilts of Valour, an organization that provides quilts to ill and injured veterans. She provides outreach and facilitation for veterans in distress, often introducing or reintroducing them into the veteran community.

Colin Vezina: Colin established the Nipissing Vezina Bursary, providing financial support to deserving students facing financial challenges. Colin also served on the board of directors for St. Joseph’s Hospital, and has spent many hours in support of community charities.

Garth Goodhew: Garth has made donations to the local hospital for 21 years, helping to purchase medical equipment. Garth served as Vice Principal at Widdifield Secondary School, helped open West Ferris Secondary School in 1971 and served as it’s Principal until retirement

Barbara Gavan: Barbara worked for many years with the Victorian Order of Nurses, and served on the Board of Directors for Health Human Resources. Barbara is active in local charity, donating to many causes in the community, including One Kids Place.

Peter Gavan: Peter initiated the very first All Ontario Catholic Girls Volleyball Tournament. The event continued to grow and still exists today. Peter coached the Northeastern Ontario team at two sets of Ontario Games, and through his contacts was able to bring volleyball exhibitions to our area featuring the Canadian National Men’s team playing against the Polish National team and the American Olympic team.

Al McDonald : Al served as Mayor of North Bay from 2010-2022, and as Ontario MPP for the area as well. Al chaired the “Save the Cents” and the “Save the Hill” Committees, both of which generated significant community support and involvement for those projects. Al also donated the use of a building and paid all utilities to help start The Gathering Place

Hariett Madigan: Hariett served as a former Honorary Colonel for 22 Wing Canadian Forces Base North Bay. Hariett has dedicated her time to several charities in the area including the Heritage Gardeners, Living Fit, Clean Green Beautiful North Bay, and Communities in Bloom.

Mathilde Bazinet: Mathilde was a commissioner with the ONTC from 2004 to 2011. Mathilde serves as director emeritus on the Nipissing Serenity Hospice’s board of directors, which she founded. Mathilde is a former dean of the Department of Health Sciences at Canadore College, director at Health Canada and first executive director of the Federal Centre for Workplace Conflict Management

Clarke Heipel: Clarke works with local news organization YourTV and serves as a producer and anchor. Clarke is a member of the Callander Fire Department, and is an Associate Comrade of Callander Legion Branch 445. Clarke is a dedicated volunteer of numerous area organizations including the North Bay & District Humane Society.

Mark Cameron: Mark serves in the Canadian Armed Forces and has completed several overseas theatres including Golan Heights and Afghanistan. Mark has recently been named top Sgt in CFB North Bay.

Ted Thomson: Ted served as a part owner, and later on major owner of the North Bay Centennials. His efforts at that time help keep the team in North Bay for many years. Ted also served as team Governor during that time period where he was often recognized for his philanthropy in the community.


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