North Bay Council Meeting Tonight

There are 3 public presentations this evening, two are focused on the proposed Kenreta Drive by Carlo Berardi and Tim Bremner, while the third is a request for funding for the Dionne Quints Museum by Ed Valenti.
There are 2 by-laws up for consideration:
A By-Law to rezone certain lands on Kenreta Drive (1921281 Ontario Inc. - 30, 32, 34 Kenreta Drive) which is the focus of 2 public presentations the same evening and:
A bylaw to authorize the execution of a Subsidy Agreement between The Corporation of the City of North Bay and The Mattawa-Conservation Authority relating to the 2023-2024 operation of Laurentian Ski Hill Snowboarding Club Inc will be discussed.
Council agenda items include:
There are 4 items on the council agenda including the annual Armed Forces Appreciation Day, Transit Advertising and the purchase of 4 trucks and Canadore College- Post Graduate Work Program.