Couple musicals taking to the stage locally

Couple musicals taking to the stage locally

By Richard Coffin

The Bears Musical Theatre Program is bringing the ABBA-filled musical Momma Mia! to life later this week.  

Friday’s show is sold out with officials saying a limited number of tickets are still available for Thursday and Saturday.  

All shows start at 7 pm in the Bishop Carter Auditorium at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall.  

Tickets are $21.25 and are available in the school’s office.  

Next week, Dreamcoat Fantasy Theatre presents Honk Jr., the story of the ugly duckling.  

Two public shows are on stage at the Capitol Centre on Friday, Jan. 24 (7 pm) and Saturday, Jan. 25 (3 pm).  

Tickets are $24 and are available at 

School shows are taking place Tuesday through Thursday next week.  

Host Jennifer Tocheri

The post Couple musicals taking to the stage locally appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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