Crime Stoppers Dinner/Comedy Show

Crime Stoppers Dinner/Comedy Show
Host- Richard Steudle Opening Act 


Who doesn’t need a laugh or two? Get your tickets before they are all sold out! This is one comedy show you do not want to miss. Near North Crime Stoppers proudly presents comedian Richard Lemieux.

For several years, Richard Lemieux, a retired police officer has been taking his comedy show on the road. He just recently made the short list for the Juno’s. Rick’s high energy and quick wit will have you falling off your seat. He has performed with many top comedians including Derek Edwards, Mike MacDonald, and Jason Alexander.

Richard donates a portion of the funds from his shows to non-profit organizations in communities throughout Ontario and for this show he will be donating to Near North Crime Stoppers.

On Friday February 9th, Richard will be performing his show “The cops can’t stop me now” at the Davedi Club. This will be a dinner/show and promises to be a fantastic night. On Saturday February 10th Richard will be performing in Mattawa at the arena.

Please come out and support Richard along with Near North Crime Stoppers.


Tickets are available on and would make excellent gifts for family, friends, or staff for Christmas. 


PLEASE CONTACT for further information or contact by cell at 705-303-4426

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