Cultivate a Culture of Peace

Cultivate a Culture of Peace

By Richard Coffin

Honouring those who ‘cultivate a culture of peace"

Rotary4Kids chair Jeff Hobbs and The Joy Project are this year’s YMCA Peace Medal winners.  

Officials say Hobbs is an active volunteer, including at the Y, that inspires and encourages others to get involved to help build a stronger and united community.   

The Joy Project supports youth and families in need in the Nipissing and Parry Sound areas during the holiday season.  

Donors are matched with a child, youth, or family, and receive their holiday wish list.  

Both Hobbs and The Joy Project were honoured for ‘cultivating a culture of peace’ this week at the North Bay YMCA. 


The post Honouring those who ‘cultivate a culture of peace’ appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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