Deacon Wealth Management Master’s Curling Bonspiel

Deacon Wealth Management Master’s Curling Bonspiel
North Bay Curling Club

Master’s” Curling Bonspiel

Twenty-four teams of senior curlers, 60 years old and up, from across Northern Ontario competed over a three-day bonspiel, from Jan 23 - 25. Eight teams came from out of town, including a team from Sault Ste Marie, a team from Elliott Lake, 3 teams from Sudbury, 2 teams from New Liskeard and a team from Powassan. The winning team in the “A” Division, Team Gagnon from North Bay included skip, Real Gagnon, Vice, Jann Constante, Second Jim Paynter and Lead Craig Howarth.

. Pictured R to Left are: Real Gagnon, skip; Jann Constante, Vice; Jack Phillips Co-Chair of the event; Jim Paynter, Second; Craig Howarth, lead and presenting the Rudy Teski Trophy Jack Phillips Co-Chair of the event

At the banquet Wednesday night, MC Dave Bennett kept the audience of over 100 in stitches with his jokes, while caterer “Dinner is Served” did a wonderful job feeding the crowd. Entertainment was provided by Uke4ia, a local ukulele group, who lead a sing song with many popular tunes converted to curling parodies.  

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Milt Colyer award to Elaine Burrows, in recognition of her many years of dedicated volunteer service and leadership at the club. She was joined at the head table by her daughter Debbie Hudson, sponsors Mark and Steve Deacon and recognized long time curlers, Mel Cox and John Stuckless.

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