Disagree with the Assessed Value of your Property?

Disagree with the Assessed Value of your Property?

Property owners who disagree with the assessed value of their property can file a Request for Reconsideration by April 2 for the 2024 property tax year.

MPAC is the world’s largest continually updated assessment jurisdiction. When their staff are out in the community, they often get asked the question – when will assessments be updated? While property values in Ontario continue to be based on a January 1, 2016 valuation date, the truth is their employees are in fact making updates to property data every day.

They recognize that for many people in Ontario, their property is their single largest asset, and so the assessed value of their property is a big deal. They know they need to get it right because they know what is at stake for Ontario property owners.

Property owners who disagree with the assessed value of their property can file a Request for Reconsideration using #AboutMyProperty at www.mpac.ca by April 2 for the 2024 property tax year.

Read more about their commitment to Getting it Right: https://bit.ly/3OHMxwZ

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