Environment Canada has Issued a Rainfall Warning

Environment Canada has Issued a Rainfall Warning

Rain, heavy at times is expected. The frozen ground has a reduced ability to absorb this rainfall.
Total rainfall amounts of 30 to 60 mm, beginning Thursday and winding down Friday evening. Rain will begin Thursday morning or Thursday afternoon and continue into Friday.

The rain may transition to snow in some areas Friday afternoon before tapering off Friday evening. The heaviest rainfall is expected Thursday night into Friday morning.

There remains some uncertainty regarding the track of the low pressure area and resulting rainfall amounts.

For information concerning flooding, please consult your local Conservation Authority or Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Office. Visit Ontario.ca/floods for the latest details.

Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible. Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads.

If visibility is reduced while driving, slow down, watch for tail lights ahead and be prepared to stop. Don't approach washouts near rivers, creeks and culverts. Keep children and pets away from creeks and river banks.

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