Extending the life of the City's Landfill Site

Extending the life of the City's Landfill Site

This initiative was brought forward by Councilor Mac Bain back in 2019 to extend the lifecycle of the City of North Bay's landfill site, protect the environment and reduce the City's carbon footprint.

Textiles are clothing and other related items, such as shoes, purses, belts, drapes, linens and bedding. In North Bay, the collection and disposal of textiles as part the general waste stream is not permitted.

Instead, residents are encouraged to reduce, repair, and repurpose their clothes and other related items in order to help to extend the life of our landfill and protect the environment.

Did You Know?

Each year, 37 kg of textile waste per person ends of in Canadian Landfills. 

Clothing production has doubled between the years 2000 to 2014, and the average consumer bought 60 percent more clothing in 2014 compared to 2000 while keeping each garment half as long.

Worldwide 85 percent of all textiles are lost to disposal annually. We’re trying to reverse trends.

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