Health Unit-Family Health Information Line

Health Unit-Family Health Information Line
North bay Parry Sound District health Unit

It takes a village to raise a child. Make us part of your village.

Whether you’re expecting, already have a baby or have been a parent for years, it’s normal to have questions and challenges around parenting - and it's more than okay to ask for help.

Our Healthy Families team is here to listen and offer support, free of charge. We can also help you grow your village by connecting you with the resources that will be most helpful to you.

When you contact us, you'll be connected with a local nurse who has experience helping pregnant people, single parents, couples and families navigate the ups and downs of child-bearing and child raising. Not only do we have the qualifications to give you top-notch, evidence-based information, but most of us are parents, too, so we know it's not always as easy as the books make it out to be.

It's never too late.

Sometimes looking after one issue naturally leads to other issues being resolved or completely prevented. By reaching out for support and addressing any concerns now, you are setting you and your child up for a healthy future.

Learn more here

Call us at 705-474-1400 ext. 5351

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