Final Tree Pickup on May 13

Final Tree Pickup on May 13

Last Chance to Grow Our Canopy

The Grow Our Canopy program will be wrapping up for this year with a final pickup on Monday, May 13.

For those who haven't had the chance to pre-order, this is a last chance to participate in the program, which offers residents a chance to buy trees at a low cost.

Organized by Trees for Nipissing, in partnership with the City of North Bay, the Grow Our Canopy program been running for three years now, offering 100 trees at a nominal cost of $20 each to eligible residential property owners. Limited to one tree per property, the program aims to increase the tree canopy within the community.

The final pickup event takes place Monday, May 13, at Lee Park at 10 a.m. A limited number of remaining trees will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. It will be necessary to complete an application form confirming your intended use and care of the tree and pay $20 cash or e-transfer. For pick up details, text 705-840-8466.

A variety of trees will be available, including taller species such as red oak and smaller tress such as Saskatoonberry. Most trees will range from three to five feet tall and will be less developed than those typically seen in garden centres.

For more information about Trees for Nipissing, visit: and on Facebook.

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