Support for Pediatric Initiatives

Over $222,000 to Support Pediatric Priority Initiatives at NBRHC
The Ontario government is investing $222,700 in one-time funding to the North Bay Regional Health Centre to support their perinatal and specialized services. The funding will support timely access to care and improve health services for families, children and youth by expanding Bed and Patient-Flow Related Surgical Initiatives.
“This announcement will allow us to expand and relocate our outpatient pediatric clinic to accommodate more patients requiring admission,” explains NBRHC President & CEO Paul Heinrich. “We will also be adding a new cardiac monitor, enhancing our ability to monitor patients within the new outpatient clinic.”
"This funding from the Ministry of Health further demonstrates our government's commitment to supporting our local families with the right care, in the right place, at the right time," said MPP Vic Fedeli. "The North Bay Regional Health Centre will use this funding to support the implementation of additional pediatric surgical recovery initiatives and ensure timely access to care for children, youth and families.”