Fish hatchery program being updated in Ontario

Fish hatchery program being updated in Ontario

By Richard Coffin

Over $75 million is going towards updating Ontario’s fish hatchery program to provide better fishing opportunities locally and across the province. 

Infrastructure upgrades are planned for three fish culture stations, including the North Bay station in Redbridge, to increase the production of key fish species and support fish stocking efforts. 

The province says improvements locally will enable stocking of over 555,000 high-demand fish, including brook trout, lake trout and rainbow trout. 

“We are modernizing Ontario’s world-class fish culture and stocking program making sure we are best positioned to meet current and future needs,” says Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources. “These improvements will contribute to the sustainable management of fish populations and add to the economic and social benefits of fishing in Ontario.” MPP Vic Fedeli says the funding announcement will improve Nipissing’s fishing and tourism sector and contribute to the region’s conservation efforts.  

“We encourage our community to visit and take a tour of the North Bay Fish Culture station once the infrastructure upgrades are complete so you can see firsthand how fish are raised to stock Ontario lakes and rivers,” says Fedeli.  

The funding announcement also includes construction of a new building for raising walleye at the Blue Jay Creek Fish Culture Station on Manitoulin Island.  

The province says that will increase the production of walleye by as much as 600 per cent annually. 

Upgrades to the Hill’s Lake Fish Culture Station in Englehart are also being funded, to increase its capacity to raise and stock over half a million popular fish including splake and aurora trout.

The post Fish hatchery program being updated in Ontario appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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