Five local organizations receive $60,000.

Five local organizations receive $60,000.

The Ontario government is investing $60,000 through the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) for five local organization to support their art projects. OAC invests in the work of artists working in many disciplines, including craft, dance, literature, music, theatre, media arts and visual arts.

 “Our government understands the important role that the arts play in fostering dynamic and thriving communities across Ontario,” said MPP Vic Fedeli. “Through the Ontario Art Council, organizations like Nbisiing Secondary School have the opportunity to create and present their artworks for the community to enjoy.”


Local OAC Indigenous Artists in Communities and School Projects grant funding include:

·       $13,600 for Nbisiing Secondary School


Local OAC Northern Arts Projects:

·       $12,000 for the Chinimiwin Collective

·       $12,580 for the Garden Berms project at the Northern Urban Arts Festival

·       $12,000 for the Safe Hands Festival

·       $10,500 for the North Bay Film festival


“It's truly heartening to learn that our school has received funding from the Ontario Arts Council to support the development of cultural arts skills and knowledge among students. The initiative to bring together students from diverse backgrounds in Ontario and Quebec to collaborate, share cultural knowledge, and learn trade skills is commendable. The prospect of students creating their own regalia and showcasing it at the upcoming annual school powwow in May is particularly exciting. This event not only provides a platform for students to express their creativity but also allows them to celebrate and share their cultural heritage with the school community. The use of "miigwech" expresses gratitude in our Anishinaabe language, and it adds a respectful and appreciative touch to your acknowledgment. May the funding and efforts invested in this cultural arts program result in a meaningful and enriching experience for all the students involved, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse traditions.” -Melanie Beaucage, Cultural Lead & Language Teacher, Nbisiing Secondary School.


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