Flood Outlook issued by North Bay MNR

Flood Outlook issued by North Bay MNR
(Photo by MyNorthBayNow.com staff)

By Richard Coffin

The Ministry of Natural Resources has issued a Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook for the North Bay area.   

Officials say forecasted above zero temperatures on Tuesday and again early next week could cause unstable shoreline ice conditions and flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. 

“Over the last week, a series snow events have accumulated low-density snowpack in most areas throughout the province,” reads the statement.  “As winds change to southwesterly, a warming will occur in southern parts of the Northeast Region bringing daytime temperatures above zero on Tuesday and again early next week before daytime temperatures fall below zero again.” 

The MNR advises residents in the North Bay District to keep a close watch on conditions and exercise caution around lakes, rivers and streams.  

The flood outlook is in effect in the district until Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 12:00 pm. 

The post Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook issued by North Bay MNR appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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