Flood Warning

Flood Warning

Flood Warning for Lake Nipissing Shoreline in North Bay, Callander, and Parks Creek Watershed. Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook elsewhere in NBMCA watershed (North Bay April 19, 2023).

A Flood Warning has been issued for the Lake Nipissing shoreline in the City of North Bay and Municipality of Callander and the Parks Creek watershed and a Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook continues for the other areas of the North Bay-Mattawa watershed, according to the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA).

“Water levels and flows have increased significantly in response to last week’s rain event,” stated Angela Mills, NBMCA Flood Duty Officer. “Water levels on Lake Nipissing have been rising and strong westerly winds will enhance local water levels and risk of shoreline erosion,” she added. “NBMCA has initiated operations of the Parks Creek Backflood Control structure, located at Eva Wardlaw Conservation Area in North Bay,” says Chitra Gowda, NBMCA Flood Warning Coordinator.

For more information visit: https://nbmca.ca/watershed-management/flood-forecasting/parks-creekbackflood-control-structure/

The public is encouraged to keep children and pets away from watercourses and shorelines. Area residents and visitors, especially those in low-lying areas, are encouraged to monitor the conditions as they develop and take proper precautions during times of high flows. If you have a flood emergency, please contact your municipality. If you live in an unincorporated township, please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – North Bay District. As part of the NBMCA Flood Forecasting and Warning Program, staff will continue to monitor weather and watershed conditions and update this message if needed based on the changing weather/streamflow conditions.

Staff remain in contact with municipalities and other partners as required. The general public is advised of these messages through the www.nbmca.ca website with the flood status icon and a link to information about current conditions.

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