Follow Santa’s journey across Canada

NORAD, including 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron at 22 Wing North Bay, is ready for Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve.
Corporal Colby Ramson says they use radars as part of the North Warning System to initially detect Santa, with satellites picking up his trail from there. “Rudolph’s nose has a very distinct heat signature that we’ve learned to identify over the many years of tracking Santa,” says Ramson. “When he enters Canadian airspace that’s when we send up our fighter jets to visually identify him to be 100% certain that it is Santa Claus.”
There are couple of ways kids locally and around the world can follow along on Dec. 24.
“You can call 1-877-HI-NORAD or visit the website at to see where in the world he is and then know when you should be heading to bed,” says Ramson.
NORAD, has been detecting, identifying and escorting the jolly elf on his journey across Canada for 69 years.
Cpl. Ramson, a weapons assistant, says it’s an honour to be part of the team tracking Santa this year.