Green Light

Green Light

Council has given the green light to the Road Safety Strategy.   

Councillor Lana Mitchell, chair of Infrastructure and Operations says it’s an evolving document that is all about improving safety.   

“It allows us to move forward to plan, evaluate and implement strategies that will strengthen the safety of our municipal roads network within our community for all of us,” she says.   

The next step is a presentation to the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee that will focus on intersections, sidewalks and traffic light controls.   


Dozens of countermeasures are included in the strategy.   

Some of the recommendations include traffic calming measures like speed bumps or traffic circles, rumble strips, speed feedback signs, reviewing and relocating bus stops, adjusting traffic signal timings for slower walkers and more.   

Future possibilities could include red-light cameras and automated speed enforcement.    

In all, there are six areas of focus, including intersections, aggressive and distracted driving, pedestrians, cyclists and school zones.

The post Road Safety Strategy approved by council appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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