Holiday Smile Cookie campaign raises over $37,500 in North Bay

The North Bay Food Bank is all smiles after the recent Tim Hortons Holiday Smile Cookie campaign.
Over $37,500 was raised from the sale of the cookies Nov. 18-24.
A cheque was presented on Thursday with the food bank to receive half of the money.
The other half goes to Tim Hortons Foundation Camps.

“We’re 620 households over where we were last year at this time. That’s a big number,” she says. “We need that volume of food, that volume of donations to come in to sustain us day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month.”
Total households are at 4,485 through November.
Marson says the number of adults is up over 800 to 5,680 with children up 565 to 2,472.
Brandon Moffat, Tim Hortons owner (Cassells Street, Trout Lake Road, Northgate and Algonquin) says it’s important to support local groups.
“Community involvement and Tim Hortons. Those two go hand in hand,” he says. “If you look back all the way from our Timbits sports programs to national campaigns to things just the franchisees do amongst themselves locally, it’s just part and parcel with the brand.”
Other area Tim Hortons supported a variety of organizations.
They include Algonquin Nursing Home in Mattawa, Nipissing First Nation Walking Alongside Services, the Sturgeon Falls Volunteer Toy Drive and the Armour Township recreation department in Burk’s Falls.
Across Canada, $10.7 million was raised during the campaign with over 600 charities and community groups benefiting.

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