Just Another Visitor - Wins International Film Awards

The film, Just Another Visitor, was shot entirely at Port North Bay in Downtown North Bay.
To date the film has won best short film awards in Milan Italy, Macedonia and Chile. This month the film is named as the official selection of the Florence film festival.
The film deals with the devastating effect that Alzheimer’s has on both the patient and family members. North Bay’s production company Pair of Ducks Productions has produced three other films that deal with Alzheimer’s. They are Strangers, Jennifer and Robert and That Winter. Just Another visitor is the final film in the series.
The story revolves around Micheal Kelly’s wife ,Molly who has been living in an assisted living centre for the past few years .Initially ,Micheal would visit his wife on a daily basis but as the disease progressed he found that a weekly visit was more appropriate .At the present time Molly does not remember Micheal and she is convinced that a fellow patient is her husband of thirty years.
Micheal still hopes that one day Molly will spontaneously remember him. Just Another Visitor was written and directed by Jim Calarco and stars Ron Payne, Sheila Payne and Claire Calarco.
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