Ladies Day is Back at Antoine Mountain

Ladies Day is Back at Antoine Mountain
Ladies Day Friday January 26th

Looking for a day with friends, some exercise, fresh air, fun and boutique style shopping, Antoine Mountain has a special day planned for you!


Antoine Mountain is excited to announce the return of Ladies Day on Friday, January 26th, 2024.

This year they will be hosting a pre ski stretch session, specialized group lessons, taco bar lunch, specialty cocktails, and boutique style shopping. There will be a silent auction on site from a variety of businesses.  All customers can bid until 4 pm Sunday, January 28th. All funds will be donated to the Mattawa Women's Resource Center. 

If you would like to participate in Ladies Day please call the chalet during operating hours or send an email to to book your spot. Tickets are limited and space fills up quick!

$65 per person + daily lift ticket.

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