License Plate Reader Catches Impaired Driver

License Plate Reader Catches Impaired Driver

New Technology Used in Traffic Stop, Driver Impaired

 On the 8th of April, around 9:30pm, a North Bay driver was stopped by police through the use of ALPR technology, and the driver was found to be impaired by drug.

Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology is now installed in all North Bay Police Service patrol cruisers, as a way to alert officers to various offences, such as possession of stolen vehicles, suspended driver’s licenses and expired plates. 

On the evening of April 8th, 2024, an officer was on general patrol on Booth Road, when the ALPR system alerted him to an expired license plate.  The officer stopped the vehicle and when he approached the driver’s door, a strong odour of marijuana was coming from the vehicle.  The officer administered a field sobriety test, and found that the driver had enough drugs in his system to be examined further by a Drug Recognition Expert.  The 39-year-old male was arrested and transported to North Bay Police Service headquarters, where a Drug Recognition Expert performed an evaluation on the accused, and he was found to be impaired by drug.

“This is just one example of how this new technology is being used to enhance our officer’s ability to detect violations under the Highway Traffic Act which can lead to criminal charges such as Impaired Driving.  It is a valuable tool in our efforts to enhance road safety throughout the City.” stated Inspector of Operations, Jeff Warner.

As a result of this incident, the accused was charged with one count of Impaired by Drug, his vehicle was seized by police and impounded for 7 days, and his driver’s license was suspended for 90 days.

Police would like to remind the public, that being caught when impaired by any type of drug, carries the same consequences as being impaired by alcohol.

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