Local business weighing in on variety of social issues

Local business weighing in on variety of social issues

Results of a recent Social Issues Impact Survey will be used by local business to advocate for improved policies, funding and services.  

That from the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce (NBDCC), which says its survey explored the impact of homelessness, crime, addictions, and mental health challenges on local businesses and organizations. 

Officials say 100 respondents participated across various sectors - with seven main points of focus emerging:  

  • Inadequate housing and institutional support  
  • Coordinated and comprehensive services  
  • Insufficient funding and resources  
  • Law enforcement and legal reforms  
  • Enhanced community safety measures  
  • Public health and harm reduction   
  • Outreach and job opportunities   

The chamber also says there’s a resounding call from the business community for a service hub, with essential services all in one building or space, streamlining access to resources and providing people with a direct path to support.   

They add it shouldn’t necessarily be located in the downtown core.    

“Our business community are empathetic and compassionate for the vulnerable and many times act as front-line support in dealing with complex situations,” says Donna Backer, NBDCC President & CEO. “It’s clear that local businesses are calling all levels of government for more action, accountability, and much needed changes including comprehensive coordination, increased resources, legislative reforms and streamlined services to better support all involved.” 

The chamber says it plans on exploring next steps in addressing these ‘urgent concerns’ by starting up discussions with local government, service providers, and community organizations.   

The post Local business weighing in on variety of social issues appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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