Local ski racers hit the podium

Local ski racers hit the podium

By Richard Coffin

Three North Bay Ski Racers had podium finishes last weekend at an event at Laurentian Ski Hill.

Connor Corbeil was first in U-8 boys Slalom and Giant Slalom while Cameron Boyce took top spot in girl’s U8 Slalom and Giant Slalom.  Emma Chute placed 3rd in U12 girl’s slalom.

Over 100 athletes from North Bay to Sault Ste. Marie to Timmins,  Mattawa and western Quebec competed in the Agnico Eagle Classic.

“Our club is incredibly grateful for the generosity of Agnico Eagle Mines,” says Christine Wasylciw, NBSRC President.  “Through their sponsorship of our ski race they helped inspire future champions and we look forward to many more years of working together to support ski racing in the North.”

Ski racers competed in U6 through U12 events locally.


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