Man arrested for Breaking into Police Headquarters

A North Bay man was arrested Monday and faces a Break, Enter and Commit Assault charge, after he broke into police headquarters and assaulted a police officer, early Monday morning.
Danny STEAD, male, age 35, of North Bay has been charged with:
- Break, Enter and Commit Assault
On June 17th, at around 1:00 am the accused attended the North Bay Police Service headquarters on Princess Street West and began forcibly kicking the locked front doors. The sliding doors became detached from their casing and the accused was able to push through and enter police headquarters.
The accused was intercepted by three officers before he could gain access to the front lobby, through the second set of doors. The accused began to attack one of the officers, at which time a Conducted Energy Weapon was used to subdue the accused.
The accused was taken into custody and escorted to the cell block area, where he was held, pending a bail hearing.