Masters Bonspiel a Success

Masters Bonspiel a Success

Deacon Wealth Management Masters Bonspiel Held at North Bay Granite Club

The Seniors Section of the North Bay Granite Club held the annual Masters Bonspiel at the North Bay Granite Club January 21-23. The bonspiel drew 28 teams of senior curlers (60 years+) from across the north with participation from Sault Ste Marie, Elliott Lake, Sudbury, New Liskeard, Powassan and North Bay.

At the banquet on Wednesday night, the organizing committee presented Jack and Bea Lockhart with the Milt Colyer Award for their many years of volunteer service to the club. In addition to their many years of participation as curlers, (Jack curled for 65 years at the Granite Club and represented North Bay in many Provincial and National events, and Bea curled competitively for many years in the ladies and the both of them in the mixed), they also organized and sponsored mixed curling bonspiels for 25 years at the club. Also recognized at the event as special guests were Fran Wilson and Wally Kearney, both of whom curled and volunteered for many years at the club.

 During the event, organizers also held a Silent Auction to raise funds in support of the North Bay Food Bank. Many local merchants and golf clubs donated gifts for the cause. At the banquet, a cheque in the amount of $850 was presented to Mark Deacon, Chair of the Food Bank.

Entertainment at the banquet was provided by Uke4ia, a local Ukelele group who interacted with the gathering with many popular tunes adapted to curling.

The winning team of the “A” event at the bonspiel was Team Mayer from Sudbury, while Team Dayes from North Bay captured the “B” event.


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