Missing man Located Through PROJECT LIFESAVER

Missing man Located Through PROJECT LIFESAVER

Search skills learned from BAYSAR lead to dramatic Toronto rescue by York Regional Police

The training York Regional Police Constable Pete Gerulath received last spring from BAYSAR President Stan French paid off on Wednesday, April 10, when a missing Markham man wearing a Project Lifesaver transmitter was located in northeast Toronto with the help of Gerulath and other aircrew in Air2, the York Regional Police helicopter. Using a Project Lifesaver tracking device tuned in to the frequency of the missing man’s transmitter, Gerulath, from the helicopter, was able to home in on the transmitter’s signal from 1,000 feet up and provide ground teams with the location.

Stan French presenting Constable Gerulath with certificate Co Co


French, in recognition of his contribution, received news of the successful search and rescue from the YRP SAR team and from Project Lifesaver International.

 “This is exactly the way that air support for Project Lifesaver is supposed to work; and a perfect example of a well-coordinated air and ground SAR mission. " stated Stan French "It was successful despite the fact that the missing person was mobile on public transit; making this one of the most difficult scenarios for searchers.”

 Video of the rescue supplied by YRP shows the final moments in which a moving bus is identified as the probable location of the missing person and the elation experienced by the officers during the successful rescue. You can also hear, “No way that could have been done without this helicopter” from one of the officers. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtzcYk3OSpw

 At the news conference on April 12, Const. Gerulath stated: “Normally these (Project Lifesaver) calls are resolved quite quickly on the ground, with members in police vehicles or on foot. But the fact that this gentleman had entered on the transit, traveled a significant portion away, traditional ground search methods wouldn't have been successful.”

 BAYSAR Air Search and Rescue became a leader in airborne Project Lifesaver search techniques in 2022 when they adapted the existing US based course for local use with fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Solicitor General that was facilitated by MPP Vic Fedeli, the cost of aircraft operation for course development was covered. “That was a big factor in taking our course from concept to reality”, said French.

 The BAYSAR Project Lifesaver program has grown beyond all expectations since its launch in 2020. Market research at the time estimated that BAYSAR would service a maximum of 30 clients. Lately, BAYSAR has peaked at 40 clients, double the number they had just two years ago.

 If anyone has a family member who you think would benefit from Project Lifesaver in the areas patrolled by the North Bay Police Service, North Bay OPP, or the Nipissing West OPP, a referral can come through the Alzheimer Society, One Kids Place, or contact BAYSAR at 705-477-3713 or baysarnorthbay@gmail.com.

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