More Names on Ballot in Nipissing

More Names on Ballot in Nipissing

By Richard Coffin
There is only a day left for candidates in the Feb. 27 provincial election to sign up with Elections Ontario.  

The deadline is 2 pm on Thursday with at least five candidates expected in Nipissing.  

According to the Liberal party’s website, Liam McGarry is carrying their banner locally while small business owner Michelle Lashbrook is the Libertarian candidate.  

As of Wednesday morning, Elections Ontario has three confirmed candidates on its website for Nipissing.  

They include Colton Chaput with the Green Party, incumbent PC candidate Vic Fedeli and the NDP’s Loren Mick.  

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, meantime, has provided a link to Friday’s leaders debate, taking place in North Bay.


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The post More names added to the ballot in Nipissing appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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