Moyer Printing

Introducing Moyer Printing, a North Bay-based company owned by Al and Louise Moyer.
It's been 41 years since Al Moyer and his brother established the business, during which time Louise worked as a dental assistant for Dr. Fournier in North Bay. With the addition of Louise to the business in 1986, they are able to serve even more of our French-speaking community, as Louise has an excellent knowledge of the language of Molière. Working at Moyer Printing gives her the flexibility to get involved in their two boys' school activities at St-Vincent-de Paul, where Louise sat on the parents' committee.

The Moyer family is very involved in the sports community, particularly hockey. First, Louise and Al coached and managed their boys' teams, Beau and Russ. Both sons have earned spots on competitive teams over the years. Russ has played in the Ontario Hockey League, for Acadia University in Nova Scotia, and professionally in North America and Europe for many years. Currently, Russ works as a municipal police officer for the City of North Bay and is the parent of two young boys. I have a feeling that the Moyer family's time in the arena is certainly not over yet! Like his younger brother, Beau played in the OHL and for the University of Wisconsin-Superior. He has worked for a number of OHL field hockey teams and for the University of Wisconsin-Superior. He has worked for several OHL field hockey teams and is currently head field hockey scout for the Brantford Bulldogs and coach for 2 AAA teams in Toronto. Louise and Al are very proud that their boys received a university education because of hockey. In 1987, Louise helped Butch Turcotte and Dick Preston organize the "MCDONALD TRIPLE A" field hockey tournament for 10 years, an event that welcomed 60 teams from Ontario and the United States, a tournament so popular that it lasted two weekends. Louise is very proud of the fact that this event has injected many dollars into the North Bay economy for many years.

At one time, Moyer Printing had nine employees. Today, Louise and Al work with one employee. The changes imposed due to the pandemic forced them to work fewer hours, and as a result, they can now run their business while enjoying their family and personal life. It's important for the Moyer family to get involved in our community and offer support to local organizations in need. In her spare time, Louise enjoys golf and is a member of the North Bay Golf and Country Club, volunteers her time with the NOAH Strong organization and chairs the Caisse Alliance regional committee.
Al and Louise complement each other! Al laughs, "we work together, live together and play together". It's rare to find a couple who can spend so much time together, enjoy professional, family and personal success, and live life to the full!
I asked them to share their recipe for business success: "Serve your customers well, have a good relationship with your suppliers and build loyalty. The best way to promote a business is "word of mouth" from their customers. They are proud to say that since the end of the pandemic, almost all their customers are back. Louise says, "We're lucky to have such a loyal clientele", which is the result of serving our customers well, being visible and not hesitating to get involved and invest in the community.
Louise explains that it's important to support and sustain the community that supports us, and she and her husband contribute to the local economy by doing all their personal shopping in North Bay.
I invite you to share this column on your networks, to patronize and support our local businesses.
Moyer Printing

Johanne recently completed a 4-year term as a councilor for the city of North Bay where she served as Chair of Community Services. She sat on many boards and committees and thoroughly enjoyed being a member of the Business Expansion and Retention Red flag committee and the Growth Community Improvement Plan review committee.
Johanne remains actively involved in our community and enjoys giving time to many different organizations. Currently she is the Chair of the City of North Bay Property Standard Committee and of the North Bay Waste Resources Liaison Committee. Johanne also sits on the Société Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin North Bay and District Board and is also Chair of the French Languages Services committee.
With 22 years experience as a business owner she is happy to dive into the writing pool and introduce you to local businesses.