MP hoping Parliament can be productive even under threat of election

MP hoping Parliament can be productive even under threat of election

Members of Parliament are back in Ottawa and MP Anthony Rota is hoping the session is productive.  

The political landscape changed over the summer with the New Democrats cancelling their agreement to support the minority Liberal government until next June.  

“Hopefully they’ll do what’s best for people, whether it’s voting against or for anything that’s out there that they see fit.  I just want to see Parliament productive and go ahead,” Rota says. “Hopefully we can get groups working together so it’s not just acrimony and we actually are productive.”  

The move by the NDP increases the risk of a snap election.  

The Conservatives have promised to introduce a non-confidence motion as soon as possible. 

Two federal byelections on Monday are also being closely watched. 

One is in a Liberal stronghold in Montreal, the other, an NDP-held riding in Winnipeg. 

**With files from Norman Jack 

The post MP hoping Parliament can be productive even under threat of election appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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