Multinational air exercise focuses on preparing for modern warfare

Multinational air exercise focuses on preparing for modern warfare
Members of 22 Wing Canadian Forces Base North Bay, participate in a exercise Bamboo Eagle. Photo by Corporal Julianna Bullfrog-Wabanonik, 22 Wing Imagery Technician.

By Richard Coffin

10,000 military members, including those locally, continue to train for what officials say are the evolving demands of modern warfare. 

From Feb. 10-14, 22 Wing North Bay, home of the Canadian Air Defence Sector provided control and command of Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE, a multinational air exercise.  

Led by the United States Air Force Warfare Centre, it included forces from the U.S., Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.  

“By taking part in Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE leveraging virtual technology, Aerospace Controllers and Aerospace Control Operators exercised war-time battle management skills with coalition partners on a scale that would not otherwise have been possible,” says Colonel Joseph Oldford, 22 Wing and Canadian Air Defence Sector Commander.  “We are proud to have participated in this exercise alongside the U.S. Department of Defense, Royal Australian Air Force and Royal Air Force.” 

Members of 22 Wing Canadian Forces Base North Bay, participate in a exercise Bamboo Eagle. Photo by Master Corporal Rob Ouellette, Imagery Technician.

Officials say the exercise was designed to strengthen cooperation among joint and allied forces and sharpen their combat readiness to respond quickly to new threats. 

This is the first time the Royal Canadian Air Force has participated in Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE and the second year it has been held. 

 Multinational air exercise focuses on preparing for modern warfare appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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