New downtown playground opens this weekend

New downtown playground opens this weekend

The new Rotary Playground beside the splash pad officially opens this weekend.  

Several officials including Mayor Peter Chirico, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, members of the Rotary Clubs of North Bay and North Bay-Nipissing and other stakeholders will gather for the event Saturday morning.  

Officials say the new nautical-themed playground features two free-standing play structures and includes an accessible rubber safety surface, sensory play centre, seating areas, lighting and landscaping.  

They add the project was guided by consultations held during the creation of the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan.  

It's the latest activity-related amenity to be added to the area, which includes the splash pad and nearby multi-use courts.

Construction continues on the new all-wheel park behind the multi-use courts.

The post New downtown playground opens this weekend appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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