Nipissing raises over $600,000 for Student Support Fund

Nipissing raises over $600,000 for Student Support Fund

Nipissing University hosted its inaugural fundraising gala, An Evening at Nipissing: Together for Students, last week benefitting the Student Support Fund. The sold-out event, held at the R.J. Surtees Student Athletics Centre, marked the culmination of an eight-month fundraising campaign for the Student Support Fund, resulting in over $600,000 for the cause. 

The Student Support Fund provides urgent financial assistance to students who find themselves in need a result of unexpected circumstances such as housing insecurity, illness, family crisis, or other emergency situations. 

“We are deeply grateful to the many individuals, businesses, and community organizations who generously contributed to the cause and helped make our inaugural gala a true community event,” said Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University. “It was humbling to see so many people come together in the name of student success.” 

In addition to an elegant meal and silent auction, attendees were treated to an inspiring conversation among a panel of high-profile leaders discussing their career trajectories and leadership experiences, hosted by Global TV broadcaster, Dr. Susan Hay. Panelists included newly-minted Nipissing honorary degree recipients Dr. Corina Moore, Dr. Victoria Paine-Mantha, and the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, as well as Dr. Penny McIntyre, and Cheryl Sutton. 

“Seeing the community come out in such great numbers to support students is nothing short of inspiring and a true testament to generosity of our community,” said Harikesh Panchal, President, Nipissing University Student Union. “The funds raised will make a lasting difference in the lives of students who are facing difficult situations and, if not for this fund, may have had to choose between paying their bills and continuing with their education.” 

Dr. Paul Cook, who is wrapping up his eight-year tenure as Nipissing’s Chancellor, was recognized during the event for his leadership and advocacy of the Student Support Fund. Over the last eight months, Dr. Cook led a cabinet charged with garnering support for the Student Support Fund in the community. Cabinet members included: Al McDonald, Dr. Gord Durnan, Joanne Wallace, John D'Agostino, Dr. Tom Curry, Dr. Tom Hedican, Dr. Vicky Payne-Mantha, and Marianne Berube.  

“I’d like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Paul Cook and all members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet for their unwavering commitment to the Student Support Fund. Their contributions to this important cause will be felt for generations to come,” said Dr. Wamsley. 

Nipissing University plans to make An Evening at Nipissing an annual tradition for members of the community to gather in support of a critical area of need at the University.  

To learn more about the Student Support Fund or to donate, visit: 




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