Nipissing University Wins Innovation Award for Digital ID Initiative

Nipissing University Wins Innovation Award for Digital ID Initiative

Nipissing University has made a significant leap forward in technological innovation, earning the prestigious Canadian University Council of Chief Information Officers (CUCCIO) Innovation Award for its groundbreaking Digital ID initiative.

This award highlights the University's commitment to sustainability and technological advancement, setting a new standard for campuses across Canada.

The Digital ID initiative replaces traditional plastic student ID cards with a digital alternative, significantly reducing plastic waste and streamlining campus operations. The digital cards also serve as a North Bay Transit pass for students. Nipissing University rolled out the new digital student ID cards in Fall 2023 for all new and returning students, with plans to expand to faculty and staff cards in the future. The project's success is a testament to the collaborative efforts and forward-thinking approach of Nipissing University's Technology Services team.

Heather Hersemeyer, Director of Technology Services at Nipissing University, expressed her elation over the award, which was presented at the 2024 Canadian Higher Education Information Technology (CANHEIT) Conference held last month at Dalhousie University in Halifax. "We are beyond proud of this accomplishment, said Hersemeyer. “Our Digital ID initiative not only enhances convenience for our students, staff, and faculty, but also aligns with our commitment to sustainability."

The CUCCIO Innovation Award recognizes visionary solutions that offer practical benefits to the higher education community. Nipissing University's achievement is particularly noteworthy given the strong contenders from across Canada. This year, CUCCIO saw a 400% increase in nominations, reflecting the high level of innovation within the Canadian higher education IT community.

"Our phased approach, combined with a dedicated team and strong vendor relationships, was key to our success. We focused on the needs of our stakeholders and maintained clear communication throughout the project. Automation played a significant role in ensuring a seamless experience for everyone involved," Hersemeyer added.

In addition to this achievement, Hersemeyer has been reappointed to the CUCCIO Board as a Director for a three-year term, serves as Secretary for the Ontario University Council of Chief Information Officers (OUCCIO) Board and is a member of the Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network (ORION) Nominating Committee. Her leadership and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to further advancements in the field of educational and research technology.

Nipissing University is not only leading the way in digital transformation, but also setting an example of how sustainability and innovation can go hand in hand.

For more information about the award, visit: CUCCIO Awards 2024: A ‘claws’ for celebration — CUCCIO.

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