No injuries after garage fire Tuesday night

No injuries after garage fire Tuesday night

City fire crews and a resident made quick work of a garage fire on Belleview Crescent just after 7:30 pm Tuesday.   

“Three stations responded to the call,” says Platoon chief Mark Linkie. “The first station, station two in the area of Canadian Tire, ascertained right away that the tenants had extinguished approximately 90% of the fire.”  

He says fire fighters went in and put out the rest of the fire and checked to make sure it didn’t spread into the home.    

“Nobody was hurt.  Everybody got out,” says Linkie.   

There’s no estimate on damage at this time, but he says it was limited to the attached garage, with a little bit of smoke damage to semi-detached house.   

Fire prevention will look into the cause.

The post No injuries after garage fire Tuesday night appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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