NO is a complete sentence

NO is a complete sentence

Weekly Column by Anne Gingras

Yesterday, I turned 54 years old. I smiled as I sat back and explored helpful (and not so beneficial) things I had learned up until now. I have been blessed throughout my lifetime with occasions that have made me robust and resilient. One thing that has always been difficult for me is saying 'no' to something that doesn't interest me. Yet, because of my current professional occupation and personal endeavours, I have often been unable to say 'the word.' I have reflected a lot about this fact and am happy to share with you that with great practice, I am becoming fully versed with the ability to do so in many instances.

The graceful art of saying 'no' is more than just a skill-it's a powerful tool that allows us to set boundaries and prioritize our well-being. It's about respectfully declining requests or opportunities that don't align with our goals, values, or capacity. By communicating our refusal with empathy and clarity, we can maintain healthy relationships and avoid overcommitting ourselves. Embracing this art empowers us to focus on what truly matters, ensuring that our time and energy are dedicated to meaningful pursuits. It's a journey that inspires and motivates, promising a life of balance and fulfillment.

So, this week, I encourage you to listen to your compass. You'll get many occasions to explore something new, and these may or may not sing to you. The most significant discovery will be finding your voice and the courage to politely decline something you do not wish to explore.

Be brave. Speak the word and then relax:  NO is a complete sentence.

Have a great week,



Anne (St. Louis) Gingras is a neuro-diverse individual who is also a wife, mother, teacher, writer, author, blogger, composer, international public speaker, life coach, energy worker, intuitive coach, mentor and death doula who also enjoys spending time in her miniature worlds.  She is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Education (honoris causa) from Nipissing University in North Bay.

 Anne (St. Louis) Gingras est une personne qui célèbre sa neuro-différence.  Elle est entre autres une épouse, maman, enseignante, écrivaine, blogueuse, compositrice, conférencière internationale, coach de vie, travailleuse en énergie, coach intuitive, mentor et doula (accent sur la mort), qui adore passer ses moments libres au sein de ses mondes miniatures.  Elle est récipiendaire d’un doctorat honorifique en éducation (honoris causa) de l’université Nipissing, de North Bay. 

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